Principles as agreed by the Speak Up For Women membership

1.  Women are adult human females; girls are human female children.

2.  Women and girls have the right to live free of violence, including sexual abuse or violence.

3.  Women and girls have the right to organise and gather in safe, sex-segregated spaces.

4.  Women and girls have a right to reproductive sovereignty.

5.  Women and girls have the right to live free from commercial sexual exploitation. 

6.  Women and girls have the right to economic independence, pay equity, and living wages, including that which pertains to reproductive labour, child-raising, and domestic work.

7.  Lesbians are exclusively same-sex attracted females and have the right to assert their same-sex attraction without facing harassment.

8. Sex’ refers to the biological characteristics that distinguish males from females. Sex is immutable. ‘Gender’ refers to the stereotyped roles, behaviours and attributes that society at a given time considers appropriate for males and females.
